Saturday, August 8, 2009

Libre Graphics Day at LCA 2010

Man, the past few weeks have been quite busy, including some sad family events. However, there is one item I need to get out there.

The news is that the LCA 2010 miniconf proposal of a "Libre Graphics Day" I submitted has been accepted! There still is a lot to do, but since the time is short we do need to be moving quickly.

I'm going to be coordinating this "mini" version of LGM with the help of Donna Benjamin and Tina Cruz. A more formal announcement along with a CFP will be up shortly. In the mean time you can ping us on or Twitter with ideas and suggestions:
Twitter: @joncruz, @kattekrab, @sendchocolate @joncruz, @kattekrab, @sendchocolate
(here's a hint. @sendchocolate is far more organized than I)

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